1. My name is Chris, and I am a Popcorn addict; I could live off of it if given the choice. I mainly stick to the buttery goodness of movie theater style but any flavor will grab my attention and have me coming back for more. Sometimes this addiction is a painful one because I normally don't like carmel popcorn, but by some strange phenomenon I would eat an entire bowl if placed in my site.
2. Along with popcorn, is an eventual movie. I love movies and would love to spend an entire day in the theaters checking out the newest flicks. Sadly I don't have that kind of money or that kind of time, and have had to choose more fulfilling vocations. Also most depressing is the fact that most great films are rated R and I have chosen not to view them. So you will find it even more sad that when a good film is released in a suitable rating my wife doesn't find it interesting and would rather avoid it. I love a thought provoking movie and often those are sad or sometimes depressing, and being the cheerful person she is, she tries to avoid disappointment. To her credit though, she has been more accepting lately.
3. There was a time when I loved to shop. I still do but not as much as I used to. This is mainly due to the fact that shopping isn't always fun when you know you can't buy anything. However I still find opportunities to pick up something for myself every now and then. In a world where women seem to be the dominant shoppers, I am proud to say that there have been days where even Tiffiney was tired by me taking her from store to store. Regardless of our agenda, she always allows me to visit the electronics section even though I have seen the stuff many times before.
4. In the electronics store I get to check out music, tvs, movies, and video games, but it is the latter where I spend most of my time. So interesting fact #4 goes to my hobby of gaming. It is no surprise that I enjoy video games, but the sad thing is that I spend more time reading about them than actually sitting down and enjoying the the game I purchased. I am always looking out for the next best thing.
5. I hate garnished food. I was spoiled with great food when I went on my mission to the Canary Islands. I didn't have a lot of free meals, but the ones I did have were an absolute dream. Because of this I have never been fond of Mexican food. It may be the American's interpretation of Mexico but I hate the extra garnish of guacamole and sour cream that is accompanied with every dish. I know it adds to the appeal when you add color to the plate, but couldn't you have just cooked it like that instead of adding it later. I believe a dish should be prepared, cooked, and served as it was initially planned. Anything else added leads me to believe that the food doesn't taste good. This also applies to those that add steak sauce to an already perfect seasoned sirloin.
6. Obviously I like food, but I usually hate taking the time to prepare it myself. On Sundays, Tiffiney and I like to grab one of our cook books and try out new recipes. This is fun when doing it together or preparing it for visiting guests, but throughout the rest of the week I am not so eager to spend the time. Rather than eating a well balanced meal, you will often find me eating ice cream, juice, a slice of bread, or other quick snacks; rarely will you find me eating a full meal in one sitting.
7. Oh and for those that don't know, I have seizures. Maybe it is my lack of diet, my sleep deprivation, internet obbession, or my already mentally challenged brain, but they have cost me a lot of money and grades. Thankfully I am on the road to recovery and the bills will soon be paid and graduation is on the horizon…