Thursday, February 11, 2010


Lariah is extremely fast and gets into everything. She especially loves paper, what's cooler then an endless roll of it.
We usually close the bathroom door...


Tammie said...

uh-oh! Is that Chris' toilet paper?

Unknown said...

Just wait till she throws a few rolls in a bathtub full of water!

Cute pic!

fuzzball said...

Ah Lariah is so cute! She's a perfect mix of you and Chris...or you and Tiff, whoever's reading this.

Julie and Nate said...

She is so cute! As crazy as it gets, she is just getting into the most fun stage!!

Jamie Younker said...

LoL... I love that you took a picture. She's just gonna get more fun from here on out!

Next thing you know she'll pull an Addie and drape it over her head like a long veil and walk reverently around the house announcing "I'm getting married! I'm a married girl!"

oohhhhhh boy!