Monday, May 5, 2008

The Countdown Begins…

Lately Tiffiney has been reminding me almost daily that next time this year I will FINALLY be graduated and moving on with life. It is about time, because mentally that is probably all I will be able to take. School is fun for the most part, but it will be nice to get paid doing the things I love rather than paying to learn them. This year should bring with it a lot of other things that I have been dreaming of as well, and so the countdown begins!

I thought I would share with you some of the things that I accomplished last semester with my artwork/design. I learned how to use Flash and improved my skills in Photoshop and Illustrator. You probably won't recognize great work due to my procrastination techniques, but I managed to pull off B grades while rushing to get these projects finished. However you only get a glimpse of the stuff I am proud of rather than the other work:)

These were done in Flash and require a fast connection. I didn't include a preloader so it may take some time to see it materialize. The first one is my game and in order for it to work properly you need to adjust your window to the width of the poles in the animation. The second one is my portfolio website and it may take some time before images start to appear and work properly. All of this could have been remedied with a simple preloader and better web pulishing but once again I rushed things…
Flash Game
Flash Portfolio

This is my magazine layout. I had to make a cover, contents and 4 page spread.

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